Hector Gorge Salt Shed Replacement

Parks Canada
Agency (PCA)



October 2024
– January 2025



Design Builds,

Kootenay Crossing

Project Description:

This project involved the full design-build replacement of the Hector Gorge Salt Shed in Kootenay National Park, ensuring a durable and weather-resistant structure to support highway maintenance operations. SVEMY Construction was responsible for the demolition of the existing structure, removal of contaminated soils, and the complete design and construction of a new salt storage facility.

The scope included site preparation, excavation, and installation of a new concrete foundation, incorporating a three-walled concrete lock-block structure clad with protective plywood to prevent salt degradation. The new shed featured a high-clearance canopy/tarp-style roof system, designed to withstand the region’s snow and wind loads. Additional work included the installation of an evapotranspiration liner, drainage improvements, and the replacement of exterior lighting with solar-powered systems.

Given the site’s remote location and environmental constraints, detailed planning and execution ensured compliance with Parks Canada’s strict environmental and construction standards. The project was successfully completed within the designated timeline, providing a long-term, resilient storage solution for road maintenance operations in Kootenay National Park.


Waiparous Creek Cableway (Infrastructure)


Canadian Coast Guard – Life Safety Upgrades (BuildingSystems) (Infrastructure)